How Gumtoo Creates Custom Tattoo Designs for Brands

First expression of the client:

The making of a custom temporary tattoo is initiated by the background of the product and use of tattoos by the client. They are asked to summarize the business following their expectations with the tattoo to be used. For instance, AC Ryan, one of our clients, a Dutch brand which creates products for the music and entertainment industry, summed up its plan to use tattoos.  They were keen on using a fresh design, related to Karaoke for their newly launched ‘Karaoke Sound Bar.’ The product was to be showcased in a prominent trade show at Singapore where the company aimed to attract the audience with temporary tattoos as icing on the cake.

Design Requirements:

Brands often have their creative team, which gives the prerequisites of their requirements in the designs. They specify the key ingredients to be used in the art form which has to be manufactured and also tells about the final message which the tattoo must convey. As in the case of AC Ryan, they made it very clear that the promotional tattoo must contain the Client's logo and a Karaoke Image. The custom design had to be vibrant as the theme set by them was ‘FUN.’

Proposal based on demand:

Next is offering a blueprint on the basis of demand put up by the client. Gumtoo takes the client’s wishes on a very serious note and considers every minute detail while drafting tattoos. We often put up more than one proposal in front of the clients. For AC, Ryan Gumtoo came up with three exclusive design drafts which it tabled before them to choose from.

The final selection:

Gumtoo believes in giving its customers a privileged experience. Hence, we consult them at every step and welcome suggestions for any changes. The final design thus is a pictorial representation of the customer’s thoughts about the tattoo. The following design was finalized by AC Ryan after we added their additional suggestions to it.

At Gumtoo we believe in doing things the Customer’s way. ‘Celebrate Life with Gumtoo 'is our motto and we stand by it every single time. Right from the designing stages of the custom tattoo to the manufacturing ones, Gumtoo does make sure that fun never ends!!!


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